Please send your job applications to the address

Personal Data Protection Law and Privacy Notice

Bozgül Topaloğlu can get information from your references in order to check your suitability for employment in our law office within the scope of your job application. We can also obtain information or request from you by performing a security / reliability scan.

In addition, we can process your personal data which you provide through the application form to manage the job application processes, to evaluate your applications, to carry out general recruitment processes, and to contact you for these purposes, to the extent permitted by the Personal Data Protection Law No.6698 and other relevant legislation.

We take appropriate technical and administrative security measures to ensure protection of your personal data.

Before you provide us with information about another person, for example, emergency contact details, you need to make sure that you duly informed them within the scope of the Law and if necessary, that you obtained their consent to the processing of their personal data.

When your application results negatively, your personal data will be erased pursuant to the legislation.

If you have any questions, please contact us to the addresses